


West Michigan Regional Airport celebrated the ground breaking of the new Airport Office Business Center & Aircraft Apron Area project on Monday, September 21, 2015. Beginning with a flyover, five future pilots exited Metal Flow's jet and welcomed the audience. The...

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David Church, Technician at Crown Motors decided his lunch hour could be more constructive watching the construction happening at West Michigan Regional Airport. With the new Airport Office Building and Aircraft Apron project beginning on Tuesday, August 18 and Crown...

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Seabee and Twinbee

Two unique aircraft, a single-engine Seabee and a twin engine Twinbee landed at West Michigan Regional Airport to fuel up and get help with mechanical issues. "This was a very productive stop," said Bob Woodberry, owner of the two aircraft. "Tulip City Air Service's...

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Connecting the Global Supply Chain

One of many cargo jets that visit West Michigan Regional Airport, this DC9 was loading bumpers from a major manufacturing company to deliver quickly and on time to a manufacturing company in Alabama. This presents another way that our local regional airport helps...

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“Will you marry me?!”

On the fourth attempt, the weather cooperated and Mark Bolhuism and his girlfriend of almost 9 years, Amber, got the chance for a romantic flight beginning at West Michigan Regional Airport. After meeting the pilot they walked up to the jet but before entering Mark...

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Marriage Proposal Begins at West Michigan Regional Airport

Chris Jacobs arranged a secret, romantic flight with fiancee Kaitlyn Mast on Saturday, November 29. As pilot Dave Siegers and wife Cindy flew the couple over a field the plane dipped for Kaitlyn to notice a huge sign pinned to the snowy ground asking "Will You Marry...

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Agreement with Palisades Approved

September 2014 - The West Michigan Airport Authority (WMAA) approved an agreement with the Palisades Power Plant to act as a second staging site in the event of a major emergency. New federal regulations require nuclear power plants in the U.S. to have one staging...

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Park Township Representative Resigns

September 2014 - Bruce Wickmann, one of three Park Township representatives to the Airport Authority, announced he is resigning from the Board due to a change in residency outside of Park Township. Wickmann will continue his role with the Authority’s Building and...

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New Airport Authority Manager

June 2014 - Greg Robinson has been appointed by the Board to work in a new position as Airport Authority Manager. Greg retired from his position as Holland Assistant City Manager where he also worked on airport projects. He will work part-time in his new role at the...

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WMRA Video Receives Telly Award

The new airport video, produced in partnership with Holland City Television and West Michigan Airport Authority, was awarded a prestigious Bronze Telly at the 34th annual Telly Awards. The three-minute, informational video is titled, “West Michigan Regional Airport,...

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Airport Business Center Update

Fiscal years 2014 and 2015 are planned for projects relating to the new Airport Business Center. A variety of steps are being taken to construct the new Airport Business Center and apron area. The State of Michigan has allocated funds for property acquisition, design...

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A Winter to Remember

March 2014 - Here's what Mick, Tulip City Air Service's Director of Line Services at WMRA remembers about this past winter. "Throughout this winter we have deiced 72 aircraft. If you are not quite awake when you arrive at work, you will be soon when you are in an open...

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