West Michigan Regional Airport is proud to share our facilities with Tulip City Air Repair, an aircraft maintenance service provider founded by pilot Ben Fogg. Fogg has been involved at West Michigan Regional Airport for...
WMAA City of Zeeland Reps
April 2014 - Our Board of Directors is comprised of residents and businesspeople that live and work in our community to provide regional direction and support for the WMRA that serves an entire region. In this eNews edition, we've asked our three WMAA representatives...
Holland Hospital Uses Airport
December 2013 - Sheri and her team from Holland Hospital take advantage of the convenience and easy access flying from West Michigan Regional Airport to Dubuque, Iowa and back — a one-day business trip. [youtube id="gNs3hFqvRrg" width="600" height="350" autoplay="no"...
A Conversation with Mick
December 2013 - Keeping our airport safe, looking great, and running smoothly, is critical to airport operations. And, Mick Osborne is the man that fits the bill. Below is a brief summary of his story and responsibilities at Tulip City Air Service, FBO at West...
Interview with Pilot Russ Roberts
May 2013 - Russ Roberts, long time pilot at Tulip City Air Service gives a brief overview of FAA Emergency Training and how West Michigan Regional Airport is a valuable community asset. [youtube id="ZHwL3J7dQp8" width="600" height="350" autoplay="no" api_params=""...
Kids on Tour
May 2013 - Spring brings area school kids to the airport learning about how our airport works and why it's a valuable community asset. "We had approximately 355 kids visit the airport last year, along with several students that job shadowed," said Ronda Hulst,...
Metal Flow Interview
[youtube id="gxpVW4bZQg8" width="600" height="350" autoplay="no" api_params="" class=""] May 2013 - Metal Flow appreciates the support the community gives to WMRA. Our airport allows us to have a national and international impact, allowing our manufacturing business...
Youth Reps Receive Congratulations!
May 2013 - West Michigan Airport Authority members congratulated Connor Bos and Matthew Ziegeler at the last Board meeting for their academic and athletic achievements and for their participation as youth representatives on the Board. Connor Bos Being a youth...
Technical Energy Solutions on Assignment
February 2013 - A snowstorm doesn't stop air traffic at West Michigan Regional Airport! Brian, a pilot with Odyssey Entertainment in Minnesota, flew over Lake Michigan early January 21 to pick up Rob, a technician from Technical Energy Solutions, a company located in...
Holland Special Delivery
"When one of our customer's shipments absolutely, without fail, has to arrive on time - sending it on an aircraft is the best option. West Michigan Regional Airport is a simple, fast resource we use to make sure we delight our customer." Marvin Visser, COO, Holland...
Sharon Huminsky
Sharon Huminsky Senior Flight Director, Wings of Mercy I can recall my first flight with Wings of Mercy. As a Flight Director I wanted to take a flight with a patient so I could experience what it felt like for them. I had never been in a small plane and I was worried...
Dave Holkeboer
Dave Holkeboer Flight Student Tulip City Airport My interest in flying began in college. There wasn’t any time to think about it though because I got married and began a family. I’m now 79 years old and after a friend took me for a ride in his plane, I decided it was...