
Connor Bos


Connor Bos
West Michigan Airport Authority
Youth-On-Board Member

Being part of Youth-on-Board for the West Michigan Airport Authority (WMAA) has been a great learning experience for me. With a strong passion for aviation and aeronautics, the WMAA board meetings are always a joy to attend. I not only contribute ideas, I gain a large amount of new information.

My father works for Johnson Controls and is always commuting to Plymouth and Holland, so having Tulip City Airport close to my house is very convenient for him. I love watching the JCI jet fly over my house knowing he’s going to be home soon! Without the airport he would have missed many major events in my life.

This has been a great time to gain background knowledge and to know more about the Aeronautics career I would like to pursue in college. Someday I would like to become a pilot, hopefully flying Air Force OneI The Air Force has been a huge dream of mine ever since I’ve watched friends of my family who are pilots fly practice runs, to seeing them fly over the Super Bowl, and even at age eleven sitting in a real Air Force Simulator!

As my swimming career picks up, I would love to swim division 1 and compete at that level of intensity. Auburn University is not only where my sister goes, but is also home to one of the best flight schools in the nation…as well as the infamous swimming program and football programs they are known for! From taking off on the runway to landing in a pool, it would be so much fun to do both, a dream come true!

Flying will always be a dream of mine even if it becomes a hobby because nothing beats the rush of take off and the freedom you feel when you’re sky high! So wherever life takes me, the flight experience will be a huge plus in my future! I can’t thank God enough for giving me these opportunities because the WMAA board has led me to meeting new people that could help my flight career “take off!” God had blessed me and the City of Holland with a very nice airport that is so vital to not only the city but to many families including mine for business commuting.

To the board and HYAC, thank you from the bottom of my heart because you have no idea what this means to me. I will never forget this experience!

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