The West Michigan Regional Airport Authority is submitting a qualifications request to provide supplemental runway snow removal services for winter 2024-25. Contractors are expected to provide a summary of qualifications to provide any or all of the following services...
BIV Partners with Lakeshore Food Rescue
Did you know 40% of all food is wasted? BIV is thrilled to partner with Lakeshore Food Rescue to reduce that statistic. When an aircraft has untouched surplus catering from their trip, it goes straight to our fridges. An airport team member text/calls Lakeshore Food...
Public Hearing on Proposed 2025 Budget: April 8
The West Michigan Regional Airport Authority is holding a public hearing on Monday, April 8 at 11:30 a.m. to go over the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. As soon as the public hearing concludes, action will begin on the...
Support Community Action House
West Michigan Regional Airport will be hosting a canned food drive in support of Community Action House throughout the month of April. Please bring your donations to the front lobby. Most Needed Items Dried & Canned Beans Healthy Cooking Oil Red Lentils Broth...
Spring Egg Hunt
Join us on Saturday, March 23rd for a Spring Egg Hunt at West Michigan Regional Airport! We’ll have Mezkla’s food truck, arts and crafts, an egg hunt and—of course—airplanes! We suggest rain boots for those hunting for eggs as we suspect it might be a little muddy....
Welcome Courtney S!
The airport recently welcomed Courtney Sawyer as our new Community Engagement Specialist and Operations. In this position, she will be responsible for community outreach on behalf of the airport. She’ll be planning and managing some of our most exciting events,...
WMRAA Hosts Special Meeting: January 4th 9:30am
This meeting is being held by the West Michigan Regional Airport Authority, at theDirection of the Airport Authority Board to interview three selected consultants to assist the authority inresearch regarding upcoming Airport Millage Initiatives in surrounding...
Outgoing Board Members
West Michigan Regional Airport is a community-owned resource, supported through operations revenue, government funding and local taxpayers. e West Michigan Airport Authority (WMAA) governs policy, budget and strategic planning for the airport to align with the best...
Open Position – Community Engagement and Operations Specialist
Community Engagement and Operations Specialist Pay Grade: $18 - $22 per hour (40 hours per week) Reports To: Director, Airport Authority Term: Permanent Job Summary: Under the supervision of the Director of the West Michigan Regional Airport Authority, this person...
Environmental Assessment Form for Airport Development Projects
BIV Short Form Final EA - Approved BIV FONSI AERO Signed 2023-10-03 Appendix A - Early Agency and Tribal Coordination Appendix B - Land Use and Zoning Appendix C - Farmlands Appendix D - Air Quality Appendix E - Biological Resources Appendix F - Department of...
Snow Equipment Update
Through partnership with Avflight, the airport invested in new snow equipment in 2023. Ahead of the winter season, Avflight purchased a Snow Sweeper truck, a De-Ice truck and a pickup truck with a plow attachment and back blade. In addition, we’ve been testing a new...
National Aviation Day Celebration Great Success
On Saturday August 19th, over 1,200 members of the Holland Area community celebrated National Aviation Day at West Michigan Regional Airport. The airport partnered with Wings of Mercy for their annual Holland CareAffaire and runway 5k race for a full day of activities...